Home Page - SaveParleys.org https://www.saveparleys.org Save Parleys Canyon Tue, 22 Oct 2024 14:55:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://i0.wp.com/www.saveparleys.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/cropped-save-parleys-logo-icon.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Home Page - SaveParleys.org https://www.saveparleys.org 32 32 237577986 Autumn in Parleys Canyon: A Critical Season for Action, Advocacy, and Legislation https://www.saveparleys.org/fall-update/ Tue, 22 Oct 2024 14:49:28 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1593 Read the full update. 

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Read the full update. 

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HB 502 Threatens Parleys Canyon https://www.saveparleys.org/hb-502-threatens-parleys-canyon/ Mon, 12 Feb 2024 17:31:39 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1510 Dear SaveParleys Friends, Thank You so much for your help this week!!!  We won the first battle in the Senate and now we face a new threat in the House.  The opposition that we were able to raise was so effective that Senator David Hinkins sent SB 172 back to the Senate Rules Committee.  While […]

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Dear SaveParleys Friends,

Thank You so much for your help this week!!!  We won the first battle in the Senate and now we face a new threat in the House. 

The opposition that we were able to raise was so effective that Senator David Hinkins sent SB 172 back to the Senate Rules Committee.  While it’s still possible for it to resurface, in a different form or with a new sponsor, we think it may be stopped for this session. We’ll keep you updated. 

However, a new bill has popped up this week in the House of Representative.  HB 502 is the new and sleeker version of SB 172.  This bill mandates that a city or county may not restrict, prohibit, or impose any conditions that would unreasonably limit mining or gravel pit operations.  See the talking points below.  This bill could be heard in committee as soon as Monday of next week.

This is the Devils Slide Quarry in Weber Canyon just off I-84 (it also has a cement plant).

The quarry itself is 475 acres or 2/3 the size of the proposed I-80 South Quarry in Parleys Canyon.

This is the Devils Slide Quarry in Weber Canyon just off I-84 (it also has a cement plant). The quarry itself is 475 acres or 2/3 the size of the proposed I-80 South Quarry in Parleys Canyon.


  • Here is the link to review HB 502
  • We need you to PLEASE:

Contact your House Representative by Monday morning.  Calls are better than emails even if you just leave a voicemail. Let them know you are against HB 502.  You can use some of the talking points listed below.  (Go to this link to find your House Representative’s information:  https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp)

  • Discuss one or more of these HB 502 talking points with legislators.
  1. HB 502, sponsored by Rep. Casey Snider (R Cache County) appears to be tailor-made to allow the proposed 635-acre quarry in Parleys Canyon to go forward.   The bill has three major impacts.
    • Just like SB 172, HB 502 preempts local land use authority and places the property rights of mining / gravel pits above the property rights of residents, businesses, schools, churches, etc.  It creates industrial “superzones’ by requiring political subdivisions (cities and counties) to allow mining and gravel pits in any zone where there is land that is more than 1000 feet from a residence AND within 500 feet of an interstate or rail line. So, for example, Salt Lake County could not prohibit mining anywhere in the Forestry and Recreation Zone which covers most of the central Wasatch Mountains, including Parleys Canyon.
    • HB 502 requires utility districts to provide water service to these mining operations even if located outside of, but are within 2 miles of the service district’s boundaries. So, for example, Salt Lake City Public Utilities would be required to provide the proposed 635-acre I-80 South Quarry with all of the water it needs for its operations and dust control- water that would otherwise flow to the Great Salt Lake. 
    • HB 502 requires each county, by November 30, 2024, to assess their sand, gravel, and aggregate supply and demand over the next 20 years and develop a plan to meet that demand from within their county.  This scope of a study is not feasible in this timeframe.  The legislature in this section is saying, “we don’t have sufficient information to understand whether or not there is enough raw construction material being produced” and in the first section they are saying, “the counties are preventing the production of the raw construction material and are creating a shortage, so the legislature needs to step in and override their land use authority.”  
  2. ***Please contact family and friends and ask them to call, and text their House Representatives by Monday night. Have them give their address and tell them that they are their constituent and that they live in their district.  Have them voice your concerns about this attempt to carve out an exemption in state law that would allow the quarry operators and mining companies to bypass local land use authority.  

Most particularly reach out to family and friends and ask them to call, email or text their Representatives, especially those that live in the districts of the sponsor (Rep. Casey Snider) and those Representatives that are on the House’s Natural Resources Committee. . Here is their contact information: 

  • Casey Snider
    (He’s the bill’s sponsor and also on the Natural Resources Committee)
    County he represents:  Cache
    Mobile #: 435-770-4081
    Email: csnider@le.utah.gov
  • Walt Brooks
    (He’s the chair of the Natural Resources Committee)
    County he represents: Washington
    Home: 435-817-3530
    Email: wbrooks@le.utah.gov
  • Rex P. Shipp
    County he represents: Iron
    Mobile: 435-590-1073
    email: rshipp@le.utah.gov
  • Gay Lynn Bennion
    County she represents: Salt Lake
    Mobile: 385-224-9197
    email: glbennion@le.utah.gov
  • Bridger Bolinder
    Counties he represents: Juab, Millard, Tooele
    Mobile: 435-255-3093
    email: bbolinder@le.utah.gov
  • Scott H. Chew
    Counties he represents: Duchesne and Uintah
    Mobile: 435-630-0221
    email: scottchew@le.utah.gov
  • Tim Jimenez
    County he represents: Tooele
    Mobile: 801-560-8061
    email: tjimenez@le.utah.gov
  • Mike L. Kohler
    Counties he represents: Summit, Wasatch
    Mobile: 801-420-6158
    email: mkohler@le.utah.gov
  • Stephen J. Lund
    Counties he represents: Juab, Sanpete
    Mobile: 385-358-3267
    email: slund@le.utah.gov
  • Doug Owen
    County he represents: Salt Lake
    Mobile: 385-499-3761
    email: dougowens@le.utah.gov
  • Thomas W. Peterson
    Counties he represents: Box Elder, Cache
    Mobile: 435-720-3516
    email: tpeterson@le.utah.gov
  • Mike Shultz
    Counties he represents: Davis, Weber
    Mobile: 801-538-1029
    email: mikeschultz@le.utah.gov
  • Keven J. Stratton
    County he represents: Utah
    Mobile: 801-836-6010
    email: kstratton@le.utah.gov
  • Christine F. Watkins
    Counties she represents: Carbon, Duchesne, Emery, Grand
    Mobile: 435-650-1969
    email: christinewatkins@le.utah.gov

Please remember to use kind communications and encourage family and friends as well.  We’ve heard that Senator Hinkins received threats to his family and himself.  It helps our cause more, when we are respectful.  Thank you so much for your help!!!  We all need to continue to work fast since they are trying to fast track these bills at every opportunity.   We will be in touch with future updates.

Best Regards, SaveParleys.org

The post HB 502 Threatens Parleys Canyon first appeared on SaveParleys.org.

SB 172 Threatens Parleys Canyon https://www.saveparleys.org/sb-172/ Fri, 02 Feb 2024 21:54:35 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1473 SB 172 “Protection Area” Revisions sponsored by Senator David Hinkins would allow open pit mines, like this one proposed for Parleys Canyon, wherever a mining claim had been made going back to pioneer days, regardless of whether the property had ever actually been mined or not. It could be in your back yard or one of your favorite natural spots. We’re all NIMBY’s now.

The post SB 172 Threatens Parleys Canyon first appeared on SaveParleys.org.


Now coming to one of your favorite places. SB 172 protects land speculators and big extractive companies…but not you or your city.

SB 172 “Protection Area” Revisions sponsored by Senator David Hinkins would allow open pit mines, like this one proposed for Parleys Canyon, wherever a mining claim had been made going back to pioneer days, regardless of whether the property had ever actually been mined or not.  It could be in your back yard or one of your favorite natural spots.  We’re all NIMBY’s now.

SB 172 talking points with legislators.

  •  This bill is extremely complicated.  It creates major changes in zoning and land use authority for cities and counties across the state.  And it allows major adverse impacts on private property owners where the incursion of extraction industries could occur near to their homes and businesses with little recourse.
  • None of those adversely affected stakeholders were consulted or informed about these proposed changes in the law until they saw the text of SB 172 on January 31.  The bill should be tabled for this general session and the issue studied during the interim when there is adequate time to do a thoughtful review and hear public input.
  • This bill significantly expands the definition of what constitutes a vested right to mine or excavate property without local approval, including on property that has never been mined before and additional parcels nearby.
  • It prioritizes the property rights of those with mining interests above the property rights of neighboring residents, businesses, schools, churches, etc. and makes it difficult for local governments, residents and community organizations to challenge claims of mining rights.
  • This bill removes much of the authority of local governments to determine where new or expanded mines and gravel pits should be located and to protect public health and safety from the adverse effects of these operations.
  • We understand that Utah is growing and that raw construction materials will be needed to support that growth.  We believe that deciding the optimal sites for obtaining those materials should be determined through a process that balances cost, proximity to the need, and impacts on surrounding communities.  The preferred site for excavation of this scale should not be determined by one land speculator and one multi-billon dollar California company trying to change the rules that have been in place for decades.

Most particularly reach out to family and friends that live in the districts of the senators listed below- the bill sponsor (Sen. Hinkins), those Senators that represent Salt Lake County, and Senator Stuart Adams, the Senate President

List of Senators to Contact

Thank you so much for your help!!!  We all need to work fast since they are fast tracking this bill. If it passes the Senate, there is great concern that we won’t be able to stop it. None of us can do this alone. 

The post SB 172 Threatens Parleys Canyon first appeared on SaveParleys.org.

Local Group Lobbies Against Gravel Pit in Parley’s Canyon https://www.saveparleys.org/local-group-lobbies-against-gravel-pit-in-parleys-canyon/ Wed, 13 Sep 2023 14:38:05 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1269 The quarry was approved in August 2022, and a group by the name of SaveParleys is attempting to make the public aware of the potential environmental impacts. Read the article on The Daily Utah Chronicle

The post Local Group Lobbies Against Gravel Pit in Parley’s Canyon first appeared on SaveParleys.org.


The quarry was approved in August 2022, and a group by the name of SaveParleys is attempting to make the public aware of the potential environmental impacts.

Read the article on The Daily Utah Chronicle

The post Local Group Lobbies Against Gravel Pit in Parley’s Canyon first appeared on SaveParleys.org.

Proposed quarry in Parleys Canyon and Utah’s Winter Games leader at odds https://www.saveparleys.org/proposed-quarry-in-parleys-canyon-and-utahs-winter-games-leader-at-odds/ Sun, 04 Jun 2023 20:06:02 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1211 The man behind Utah’s efforts to land the Winter Games in 2030 or 2034 said a proposed limestone quarry a few miles east of Salt Lake City up Parleys Canyon belies the state’s efforts to prove itself as a good environmental steward. Read full article on Desert News 

The post Proposed quarry in Parleys Canyon and Utah’s Winter Games leader at odds first appeared on SaveParleys.org.


The man behind Utah’s efforts to land the Winter Games in 2030 or 2034 said a proposed limestone quarry a few miles east of Salt Lake City up Parleys Canyon belies the state’s efforts to prove itself as a good environmental steward.

Read full article on Desert News 

The post Proposed quarry in Parleys Canyon and Utah’s Winter Games leader at odds first appeared on SaveParleys.org.

Olympic bid head speaks against proposed Parleys Canyon quarry as public comment begins https://www.saveparleys.org/olympic-bid-head-speaks-against-proposed-parleys-canyon-quarry-as-public-comment-begins/ Thu, 01 Jun 2023 18:09:01 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1182 SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — A group is ramping up opposition to a proposed quarry in Parleys Canyon. Public comment is now open on that proposal through the Utah Division of Air Quality, which has indicated its intent to approve a plan from California-based Granite Construction Company to operate a quarry a few miles up the canyon, right off exit 132. […]

The post Olympic bid head speaks against proposed Parleys Canyon quarry as public comment begins first appeared on SaveParleys.org.


SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — A group is ramping up opposition to a proposed quarry in Parleys Canyon.

Public comment is now open on that proposal through the Utah Division of Air Quality, which has indicated its intent to approve a plan from California-based Granite Construction Company to operate a quarry a few miles up the canyon, right off exit 132.

But opponents – including Fraser Bullock, who’s leading the effort to bring the Olympics back to Utah – say the quarry would be harmful.

Read the full article on KUTV.com

The post Olympic bid head speaks against proposed Parleys Canyon quarry as public comment begins first appeared on SaveParleys.org.

Air Quality Plan for Proposed Quarry in Parleys Canyon Wastes Water and Won’t Work https://www.saveparleys.org/air-quality-plan-for-proposed-quarry-in-parleys-canyon-wastes-water-and-wont-work/ Wed, 31 May 2023 03:22:16 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1168 The informal grassroots group, Save Parleys, opposes the air quality plan the Utah Division of Air Quality announced on Saturday that they intend to approve for the I-80 South Quarry in Parleys Canyon. The quarry is being proposed by property developer Jesse Lassley with Granite Construction as the operator.  Frequent strong canyon winds will funnel the quarry […]

The post Air Quality Plan for Proposed Quarry in Parleys Canyon Wastes Water and Won’t Work first appeared on SaveParleys.org.


The informal grassroots group, Save Parleys, opposes the air quality plan the Utah Division of Air Quality announced on Saturday that they intend to approve for the I-80 South Quarry in Parleys Canyon. The quarry is being proposed by property developer Jesse Lassley with Granite Construction as the operator.  Frequent strong canyon winds will funnel the quarry dust into the Foothill, Canyon Rim, Sugarhouse, and Millcreek neighborhoods and schoolyards which are as close as only 3 miles from the site and will negatively affect the health of residents.  

“Utah’s weak regulatory framework make it highly challenging to mitigate dust pollution at this site,” said Save Parleys member Kyle Brennan, an earth science Ph.D. candidate at the University of Utah. “Before this permit is issued, the unique atmospheric conditions in Parleys Canyon should be studied for at least a full year in order to understand the potential impacts of the quarry on the air quality in downwind communities.” 

One of the primary strategies Granite has proposed to limit the dust will be to spray the gravel piles and disturbed land with millions of gallons of water.  “Gravel pit operators try to apply water for dust suppression, but it is never enough to solve the problem,” said BYU geology professor, Greg Carling, “Water used for dust suppression is another strain on our dwindling water supplies.”

“Save Parleys has a long list of specific concerns about, and objections to Granite’s air quality control plan which we will be raising in our public comments to DAQ,” said Save Parleys member Dr. Scott Williams, a former state public health official. “The State’s intent to approve this plan is based on a number of inconsistencies that the public should be aware of.” 

  1. The approval of an air quality plan for the proposed I-80 South Quarry in Parleys Canyon is premature since the Third District Court has not yet ruled on whether the land is subject to Salt Lake County’s zoning ordinance which would deny the quarry a conditional use permit.
  2. The plan only covers the emission estimates for a 20-acre open pit quarry and Granite has stated in public meetings that their ultimate intent is to expand it to a 635-acre pit.
  3. Nowhere in Granite’s plan does it specify how much water will be required to suppress the fugitive dust.  DAQ does not require operators to estimate the amount of water they will need or demonstrate that they have access to the volume of water required.  This is water that will be diverted from flowing to the Great Salt Lake.  
  4. Utah’s regulation of fugitive dust from gravel pits is extremely weak.
  5. DAQ does not routinely inspect quarries and gravel pits for dust control compliance or monitor their dust emissions more often than every 12-18 months.
  6. DAQ’s method of assessing dust control can’t be performed at night or under other low light conditions.    
  7. Gravel pits and rock quarries are not required to prevent dust plumes from blowing off their property when wind speeds exceed 25 mph.
  8. While quarry operators are required to maintain documentation of dust control activities for DAQ review, these records are not available for public inspection and, in any case, do not include information that would allow the public to determine whether the gravel pits are complying with the law. 


Media Contacts:                              

Scott Williams 801 580-3127      
Kyle Brennan 801 793-0521          
Greg Carling 801-243-3920          

The post Air Quality Plan for Proposed Quarry in Parleys Canyon Wastes Water and Won’t Work first appeared on SaveParleys.org.

Langley: H.B. 527 Attempted to Poison Utah and its Democracy https://www.saveparleys.org/langley-h-b-527-attempted-to-poison-utah-and-its-democracy/ Mon, 17 Apr 2023 18:37:27 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1160 By Jeffrey Langley Jr., Opinion Writer. March 14, 2023 In Salt Lake County last year, thousands of citizens banded together and petitioned against the creation of a mine in Parleys Canyon. Adhering to warnings from local health officials, the Salt Lake County Council wisely struck down the mine. Unfortunately, the mining industry was able to rear its soot-covered head again […]

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By Jeffrey Langley Jr., Opinion Writer.

In Salt Lake County last year, thousands of citizens banded together and petitioned against the creation of a mine in Parleys Canyon. Adhering to warnings from local health officials, the Salt Lake County Council wisely struck down the mine. Unfortunately, the mining industry was able to rear its soot-covered head again during this year’s legislative season in the form of H.B. 527.

This bill, introduced by Rep. Keven Stratton, would have allowed new mining operations to bypass local regulations. While it didn’t pass, Stratton’s bill endangered Utah’s public health and environment, and chose to overturn the democratic process in favor of destructive corporations. H.B. 527 was dangerous and we cannot allow similar legislation to ever pass.

Read entire article on the Daily Utah Chronicle

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Video: The Governor’s Monthly News Conference https://www.saveparleys.org/video-the-governors-monthly-news-conference/ Wed, 22 Mar 2023 14:16:38 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1152 Reporter - Any bills you're considering on vetoing at this point?
Governor Cox - I'll give you one example, the bill that would have overridden the county on a potential mining operation in the canyons, that was one I would have vetoed.

The post Video: The Governor’s Monthly News Conference first appeared on SaveParleys.org.


Reporter – Any bills you’re considering on vetoing at this point?

Governor Cox – I’ll give you one example, the bill that would have overridden the county on a potential mining operation in the canyons, that was one I would have vetoed.

The post Video: The Governor’s Monthly News Conference first appeared on SaveParleys.org.

Salt Lake County residents, legislators fear bill would allow Parleys Canyon mine to grow https://www.saveparleys.org/salt-lake-county-residents-legislators-fear-bill-would-allow-parleys-canyon-mine-to-grow/ Tue, 28 Feb 2023 03:26:20 +0000 https://www.saveparleys.org/?p=1142 By Carter Williams, KSL.com | Posted – Feb. 24, 2023 at 12:01 p.m HOLLADAY — Salt Lake County residents and state representatives of the region are pushing back against a proposed bill that they say would allow for excessive mining in Parleys Canyon, after the county passed an ordinance banning mining in forest and recreation last year. “They’re […]

The post Salt Lake County residents, legislators fear bill would allow Parleys Canyon mine to grow first appeared on SaveParleys.org.


By Carter Williams, KSL.com | Posted – Feb. 24, 2023 at 12:01 p.m

HOLLADAY — Salt Lake County residents and state representatives of the region are pushing back against a proposed bill that they say would allow for excessive mining in Parleys Canyon, after the county passed an ordinance banning mining in forest and recreation last year.

“They’re trying to pull the rug out … from under the regular regulatory process that (the mine) was going through,” said Rep. Doug Owens, D-Millcreek, during a legislative town hall meeting held in Holladay on Wednesday.

on ksl.com

The post Salt Lake County residents, legislators fear bill would allow Parleys Canyon mine to grow first appeared on SaveParleys.org.
